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Get to know Web 3.0: Definition and Implementation

Before reading history, it’s good for us to review a little about its meaning. According to Oxford University, the web is an information system for exchanging documents in a connected network.

Web according to KBBI is a system for accessing, manipulating, and downloading hyperlinked documents contained in computers connected via the internet; networking; network.

The concept of the web is likened to a net that connects one device to another. With this network, we can exchange information only by relying on an internet connection.

From there, the world wide web was created , a large network to connect information around the world. When the web was just entering the early days of its development, it was not yet interactive and it didn’t look as attractive as it is now.

The term web was first used

By Tim Berners Lee, in a proposal to propose an information management system at CERN, the company he works for. At that time, he wanted readers to be able to get references in one click (hypertext).

Therefore, the Team envisions a Chief VP Marketing Officer Email Lists network that is connected to each other to share these documents. Meanwhile, at that time the ARPANET was available, a connection that connected computers for academic and military purposes since the 1970s.

Starting in the 1990s, Tim Berners Lee began working on the project. It combines three main technologies, namely URL ( uniform resource locator )/URI ( uniform resource identifier ) ​​as a web resource locator/identifier, HTTP ( hypertext transfer protocol ) for forwarding requests to servers, and HTML ( hypertext markup language ) for developing web displays. .


The existing technology in Web

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Been far developed from its predecessors. The interface is much more attractive and interactive. Users no longer only read or receive information, but can respond to it and participate in creating it on the web. Several technologies such as asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) techniques and cascading style sheets have contributed greatly to the development of Web 2.0 (Gan, et al., 2023).

Web 2.0 even produced many technologies CRYP Email List that changed the lives of entire global communities. Social media platforms and online marketplaces are emerging. Interacting with people so far away is no longer impossible. Information from various parts of the world can be obtained in seconds.

With very high interactivity in Web 2.0, its nature is called Read-Write. That is, not just reading, but web users can participate in writing (or creating content) that is accessible to everyone.

However, the problems in Web 2.0 also emerged. One of them is the lack of privacy. Data is like a medium of exchange in this technology. Consciously or unknowingly, the platforms we use collect and possess our data to be used for commercial purposes.

Web 3.0
Currently, there is a design of the latest web technology, namely Web 3.0. Tim Berners Lee also designed this web technology, also known as the semantic web. This latest design is claimed to improve data management by connecting all websites. All the connected data will later be collected on an open base, called Solid.

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